Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Yes, ladies and gents, today is the day. One year ago, on this very day, Ian was born.
I can't tell you how freaking excited I am. We've been so blessed to have him in our lives.

Dan and I woke up this morning and sang Happy Birthday to Ian, but tonight is when he will get to eat cake and open his toys. It will only be us 3, but it will still be fun. Ian had his birthday celebration with Dan's side of the family on Easter, and he will share a birthday celebration with his Uncle (my brother) next weekend.

There will be more pictures to come, but I figured I start you off with an Ian appetizer. This was after singing happy birthday to him this morning. Check out that bedhead


As promised, here are a few more pictures of the big day.


Opening presents

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay you need to stop...your last three posts have all made me cry like a big dumb wuss bag...i am soo happy for you three...i can't wait to see,ler