Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Where is that soap box?? ...Ah, there it is

So it's been reported that the Governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer, has been involved in a prostitution ring. It's been covered non-stop by all the media outlets and everyone is expressing their disappointment and disdain in regard to his behavior.
The thing is, his behavior isn't surprising. As a matter of fact, it is to be expected. Why? Because this is the standard of sexual ethics that we have set up for ourselves. His behavior, and others like it, in my opinion, is the result of our sexual revolution.

Sex is no longer held in high esteem. It's been put on the same level as food, shelter and clothing. A basic need, if you will. We've divorced sex from love, commitment, and intimacy. We've approved casual, commitment free sex as a right of passage and say "As long as it's protected, there is no harm."
We no longer value self-control. It's a "Do whatever feels good" society. We want instant gratification, and by God we are going to get it.

So when our society decides to detach sex from anything meaningful, when we look at it as simply an itch to be scratched, why are we upset when a politician does the same? I mean, for all we know his wife wasn't meeting his needs, sexually, and him going elsewhere for gratification is equivalent to dining in a restaurant versus eating at home.

Obviously, my last statement was a bit tongue in cheek, but hopefully you get my point. I'm really not trying to come off as self-righteous or holier than thou. I just want to suggest that if we want better from our government officials, maybe we should expect more from ourselves.

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