Thursday, March 13, 2008

I love The Internet

They don't call it the information highway for nothing. Anything and everything thing you want to know can be found on the Internet.
Need a recipe for banana bread? You can find it on the Internet. You want to know how a hybrid car works? You can find out on the Internet. You want to learn about quantum physics? Yep, the Internet.

Today while I was taking a mental health break at work, I decided to browse around on the web. I stumbled across an article with the title "How to Eat More and Weigh Less". Intrigued, I clicked the link to see what it had to say. The article discussed a diet plan called Volumetrics. You can read the article for yourself, but I'll try and summarize the concept.

So every piece of food has an "energy density" that can be calculated. The categories for energy density are: very low, low, medium, and high. The goal is to eat more of the very low energy density foods and eat a small amount of high energy density foods. Ok, that part is pretty straight forward, but here is where it gets a little complicated.

According to the article, in order to calculate the energy density for your food, you need to find out the weight of a serving of the food you are eating in grams and then divide that by the number of calories in the serving. So by now, you're probably thinking "Who has the time to calculate all that crap before eating?"
I thought the same thing, but thankfully the author lists some of the categories of low energy density foods (the ones you want to eat a lot of) and high energy density foods (the ones you want to eat a little of). Some of the low energy density foods are : vegetables, fruits, lean meats. Some of the high energy foods are: chips, cookies, and high-fat meats.

Still with me? Good, because this is where your life is going to change forever. What this Volumetrics diet has revealed, is that the secret to getting to a healthy weight is to eat MORE fruits, veggies, and lean meats and to eat LESS cookies, chips and high-fat meats.

This is ground breaking! Who knew?! With the obesity epidemic in America, you would think people would do more to get this message out, but it was only by the grace of God that I stumbled onto this article. If I hadn't happened to click on this link how would I have ever known the truth?
However, there is good news. I have now shared with you (the 3 people that actually read this blog) how to be healthy. It is now your responsibility to pass this information on to others.

Together, we can make this world a better and healthier place.
*Note: Just in case you hadn't noticed, there is a hint of sarcasm in the post above

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