Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It makes it all worth it

I'm at home with a sick Ian for the second time in two weeks.

I got a call from his care provider yesterday, saying that Ian had a fever that quickly skyrocketed to 103 degrees. Being the overprotective parent that I am, Dan and I rushed Ian to the doctor, and after an exam, x-ray, and blood work, all per the doctor's request, it turns out it is just a viral infection that has to run its course. After a good nights rest, Ian's temperature has finally returned to normal and he is more himself.

To celebrate a happier kiddo, I decided to cook some of Ian's favorites for breakfast instead of the usual cheerios or oatmeal. The menu consisted of scrambled eggs, chicken apple sausage, and toast with strawberry jelly. After breakfast was over, I began clearing the table, but when I went to unbuckle Ian from the high chair, he stopped me and grabbed my hand. Confused, I said "What's wrong Pooh?", and then he did the sweetest thing. He kissed my hand.

Then, in an attempt to make my heart completely explode, when I picked Ian up all ready to smother him with hugs and kisses, he grabbed my face, pulled it closer to him, and kissed my cheek.

I tell ya, just when I begin to question whether or not I'm cut out for this parenting thing, this kid has a way of making me feel all better.

He's a keeper.

1 comment:

Joyce B. said...

Awww, sweet! Thanks for sharing.