Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I guess it was bound to happen

Ian is sick.

Well, it's either a cold or really bad allergies. Either way he's not a happy camper these days.

It all started late last week when we noticed he had a slight cough. By Saturday night, his cough turned into this loud, persistent, sleep disturbing, highly congested hack, and we decided to take him to the doctor early Sunday morning (thank God for our after hours doctor's office).

Thankfully, his oxygen saturation levels are in the acceptable range, so right now we are on a medicinal cocktail of daily steroid treatments combined with frequent breathing treatments via nebulizer.

Seeing how last night was a rough one (he woke up practically every two hours crying and coughing, and also had a low grade fever ) we'll probably make a judgment call Thanksgiving day on whether we will still go out of town.

This is the first cold that Ian has had since we brought him home from the hospital, so I'm dealing with my fair share of "Mommy guilt". Dan is calm and collected as usual :-)

If you get a chance, please say a quick prayer of healing for Ian.

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