Monday, January 14, 2008

Sweetie, please don't give Mommy a HEART ATTACK

So I had my first real lesson in "Always keep your eye on the baby" yesterday. I was preparing to feed my son his new favorite meal-oatmeal with applesauce if you're curious- when I noticed that the detachable tray on his high chair was dirty. So because I am a genius, I buckled him in and then took the tray with me into the kitchen to clean it off. As I'm walking back into the dining room, my son decides this would be the best time use all of his strength to fling himself forward so that he could place his head between his feet (the kid is flexible, gotta give him that).

It gets a little fuzzy at this point, but I'll try and recall what happened.

I know I must have yelled out something, because hubby came running out of the room yelling "What's wrong, what happened?" I also noticed that somehow the tray that I had been making spotless was no longer in my hands.
With my new found freedom, I decided the smart thing to do would be to grab my child so he wouldn't land head first onto the wood floor (yes he was buckled in, but it's a thin little strap for goodness sakes). As I'm running toward my firstborn, I realized that I had apparently strapped 50lb weights to each one of my ankles which made it take about twenty minutes to take the 3 steps needed to grab him. After I finally reached him and sat him in an upright position, I prepared myself for the onslaught of tears that was bound to begin any second, and what does this little daredevil do? He looks at me with wide eyes and a slight grin as if to say "That was scary, but FUN!"

I passed out shortly thereafter


Anonymous said...

just wait till he decides to fly like superman and catapults out of your bed on to the floor...the loudest thud you'll ever hear...the most tears you might ever cry...the last time you underestimate...welcome to the world of supermom...always there to save a kid from impending doom...ten cuidado

Speck said...

Hey! Finally got around to reading it. Very cute. Glad you finally started. Love the New Year's Resolutions!