Thursday, July 10, 2008

A year ago today...

On the afternoon of July 10, 2007, Dan and I brought Ian home for the very first time. After a 100+ day stay in the NICU, Ian was finally able to see his room for the first time. It is so amazing to think that an entire year has passed. I still remember all the emotions that were running through me that day. Excitement, fear, worry; and oh my, all the questions I had. How would we be able to keep up with Ian's medication schedule? Did I remember how to work the oxygen tank/concentrator, the apnea monitor, and the nebulizer for breathing treatments? How would I ever be able to sleep without fear of the apnea monitor going off?

But now, here we are a year removed, and Ian is healthy, happy, strong, and all is right with the world. It's also interesting to note that on today, the anniversary of Ian's homecoming, we also celebrate the fact that Ian is officially med free! That's right, this morning Ian took the final dose of his very last medication. Hurray!

In light of Ian's homecoming anniversary, and the end of his medications, we decided to celebrate. Nothing big, just the three of us, hanging out, eating spaghetti, and for dessert we decided to get some pie (yum!). I guess I passed down my love of chocolate, because Ian inhaled the chocolate cream pie. It's cute now, but we may have to nip this in the bud. There can't be two chocolate lovers in the house. It could make for some ugly fights when it gets down to the last piece of chocolate.

Anyway, all in all, it was a good day. I got to hang out with my men, eat some good food, and reflect on the past year. Yep, it was a good day indeed.

What a difference a year makes!


Anonymous said...

yet another tear beautiful...but i am insanely jealous that kwiley and not to mention the whole world has seen him and i haven't.....i guess good things come to those who wait...ler

Mel said...

Don't fret my friend. Your time is coming. :)

Sonia said...

I am so happy for ya Mel! Ian is a fighter and he looks so healthy!