Monday, July 21, 2008

We went swimming...Well, kinda

This past weekend, we packed up the little one and headed to Dan's hometown. The occasion was a surprise birthday party for my mother-in-law, and it was a lot of fun. It appears that Dan's mom was genuinely surprised, and the party went well. It was a good time to let her know just how special, loved, talented, giving, and inspirational she is, and I think she appreciated it.

Over the weekend, we also decided to take Ian "swimming" for the first time. I put swimming in quotation marks, because what we really did was turn down the temperature in my father-in-law's hot tub, put on our swimming trunks/suits and splashed around in the water. Ian seemed to enjoy himself though, and that's all that matters.

Here are a few pics

1 comment:

leriagee said...

man how i love seeing pics...he looks like he had loads of fun...i can't wait to meet him