Thursday, March 26, 2009

2 years ago today...

When he was born, he immediately opened his eyes and began to look around. The doctors and nurses in the operating room were so surprised. Apparently, it is very rare for a baby born at 24 weeks gestation, a micro-preemie, to open their eyes; But that's my kiddo, he's very curious.

In the NICU, he quickly developed a reputation for being feisty. He pulled out his ventilator tube when he didn't feel like being intubated and put up a heck of a fight when it was time to have his diaper changed; But that's my kiddo, he is strong-willed.

Four weeks after his birth, when the docs discovered that our 2 pound son would need surgery, they were not very optimistic. They gently warned us that it was going to be tricky to operate on baby that was born so early, and that had been so sick. Surprisingly, (to the docs, not us, we knew we had tons of friends and family praying for us) the surgery was a breeze; But that's my kiddo, he's a fighter.

A few days ago, while walking him to his room for bed, he turned around so he could go give his Daddy another kiss on the cheek; That's my kiddo, he loves his Dad.

And last night, after several minutes of whining, I figured out that all he wanted to do was sit in my lap, read a book, and snuggle with me before bedtime; That's my kiddo, he sure knows how to put a smile on his Mom's face.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Today is not just any old day

In the beginning, he was just the cool dude who worked on the dock at Montgomery Wards

A year or two later, he was the cute guy with the nice eyes and great smile

We started to date; I told my friends "He's different than the boyfriends I've had before"

One gorgeous spring afternoon, he became my husband

When our son was born prematurely, he was my protector and my comforter.

The same day our son was born, he had a birth as well, as a Daddy.

You see I've seen this man through several stages: Cool dude, nice guy, boyfriend, husband, protector, Daddy, and at each phase he has never ceased to amaze me.

Happy Birthday My Love

Pic of Hubby

That's right ladies, you take a good look, but just remember he's MINE, MINE, MINE!!