Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I am a liar

...Or at least that's what Ian would have you believe.

Like any delusional, first-time parent, I believe my child is the best, the smartest, and the funnest kid around. I think other people should feel the same way, so what do I do to accomplish this goal? I brag about him.

That's right, I brag on my kid, and each time I do he manages to make me look like a pathological liar.

I tell everyone about his increasing vocabulary:

Bragging Point 1: "Ian is becoming quite chatty these days. His latest words are: All Done, More, Duck, Door, Yes, and Go, go, go (taught to him by John Paul). Ian, can you say "All Done?"

Ian's Response: ***Silence ***

I tell people how affectionate he is:

Bragging Point 2: "Ian is so sweet. He just loves to give me kisses. Ian, give Mommy a kiss."

Ian's Response: He looks at me as if I have just spit on him.

I comment that he's always on the go:

Bragging Point 3: "Ian is so cute when he walks. Watch. Ian, walk to Momma."

Ian's Response: He begins crawling

I tell people about his infectious laugh:

Bragging Point 4: "When Ian laughs, you can't help but do the same. He has the cutest laugh you've ever heard (In my best funny voice as I prepare to tickle him) Ian, the tickle monster is going to get you."

Ian's response: Crying

Oh and what happens once we are alone?

Like clockwork he starts running, while screaming "Go, go, go", collapses on the floor in laughter, and finishes off by giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Why do I even bother? :)


Cherrys said...

So glad my kid could teach him something so useful! We need to get them together again so he can teach him some other extremely useful word!

Mel said...

Yes we do.
In the meantime, can you have John Paul start working on a lesson on how to sit through, and more importantly, EAT an entire meal? Also, if he could inform Ian that throwing his spoon on the floor is not the best thing in the world that would be great :)