Saturday, August 29, 2009

Things that make you say "Aww"

HugsYesterday morning after washing Ian's face, I began the not too terrible task of brushing his teeth. Oddly enough he loves to brush and have his teeth brushed, he's weird that way. About halfway through I noticed that he was trying to say something I couldn't quite make out. "What are you trying to say Pooh?", I inquired as I removed the toothbrush from his mouth. He looked at me, and with a very serious expression, yelled out "HUG!", and then quickly threw his arms around my neck and gave me a tight squeeze. As I returned the embrace of my little one I was overcome with the warm mushy feeling, as I call it.

"Thank you Ian. That was so sweet." I said, as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled his cheesy little smile, and as I went to finish brushing his teeth, he decided to bless me with 3 additional hugs, each time yelling out "HUG!" right before.

So there you have it folks. Another story that may not mean a whole lot to you, but means the world to me.

photo from hien_it

Thursday, August 20, 2009

When Mom is away...

The boys will play

Hey Mom, did you know I could climb a 6ft ladder all by myself?
Ian Climbing Ladder

Hey Mom, you know how you won't let me stand in the swing? Dad will, and it's fun.
Ian Standing in Swing

Ian Standing in Swing Closeup

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Time for cookies

(excuse the grainy pic to the left, it was taken on a cell cam)

A couple of weeks ago the control panel on our stove went out and as a result we could no longer use the oven. Since it was an older stove that was already there when we moved into the house, we opted to get a new one instead of replacing it. When the new stove was finally delivered you know what we had to do don't you? Christen the new stove by baking chocolate chip cookies, of course. Dark chocolate chip cookies to be exact. How else are we supposed to get our antioxidants?

Anyway, since Ian loves to help with, well, anything, I enlisted his help and we got to work.

Are those cookies done yet?

Staring Into the Oven

Yummy, I like cookies. Oh, are you taking a picture of me?

Candid cookie eating picture

Ok, I'm ready to take my picture now

Posed Picture with Cookie